THS Homeless Resource Bridge
Needs List
Immediate Needs:
Monetary Gifts for HopeFirst (click here to Donate)
Dedicated volunteers
Multi-purpose Gift Cards (Walmart/Kroger/Aldi/Publix, etc. - for gas, Rx, cleaning supplies, paper products, etc.)
Fast Food Gift Cards (for various places near motels)
US Forever First Class Postage Stamps
Cases of water and Gatorade
Personal On-going Needs:
Men & women’s underwear - NEW
Men & women's athletic shorts (sizes: M-XL)
Men's sweatpants (sizes: M-XL)
Men & women's boots and tennis shoes (sizes: women 7-10; men 9-12)
Double-edge razors
2-3 Man tents
Sleeping bags
Tarps: brown or camouflage
Helpful Items:
Toilet paper
Paper towels
Single size laundry soap
Individual/small pkg baby wipes
Small bottles of dish detergent
notes on emergency Short-Term Sheltering
Funds are continually needed for assistance with short-term stays at motels or other temporary sheltering. These are emergency funds to provide a reprieve from cold, rainy, or stormy weather, as well as to allow an opportunity for a good night’s sleep and a shower (especially, allowing for preparation for job interviews, etc.) or to encourage spiritual and physical growth.
Priority for sheltering is given to those with children, having significant medical difficulties, or experiencing other critical needs. Also given special consideration will be those demonstrating significant progress in becoming financially self-sufficient and showing a commitment to building a relationship within faith-based programs (e.g., church attendance, recovery programs, and online devotionals, etc.).
For more information about THS Homeless Resource Bridge text 470-729-2390 or email at